

2019年10月4日 - 4分钟阅读


For as long as she can remember Corinna always wanted to be an educator. 但是作为老师的女儿长大, it wasn’t always easy to distinguish between where her mother’s dream ended and hers began. It wasn’t until she stepped out of classroom teaching and into Administration that this calling became her own. Today Corinna works at the District Office of a large urban school district impacting teachers and administrators to impact students. She credits Concordia with giving her the tools to successfully make this transition which she says has solidified why she chose to be an educator. “这项工作是心灵的养料.”

Please tell us about what you consider to be one of the biggest impacts you are making/have made in one of your respective communities.

Corinna loves her work providing Professional Development for District elementary teachers. 她认为自己在课程和教学中的角色, 从选择课程, to training teachers and sharing best practices as very significant. 科琳娜说,虽然99%的互动都是和成年人进行的, 100% of her job impacts the kids as it impacts both the curriculum in the classroom and the instruction. Corinna is impacting adult leaders, both teachers and administrators, to impact students.


科琳娜管理着48名管理员. One of the things she has learned in this job is that while they may all be in similar roles they have very diverse needs. “管理人员各不相同. 每所学校也是不同的." She says that she assumed when she started that all administrators were strong leaders but now she sees that they are all individuals and they have different strengths. I am learning to see the strengths of each administrator that I work with.

How was your research/study as part of CUI’s EDD program helped you address the needs of this community?

Corinna started her Concordia journey and her career in Administration at the same time and she says, 康科迪亚一直陪伴着她. What she was learning in our classroom was what she was actually doing in her job at the time. 课堂似乎与工作上发生的事情“步调一致”. She found the leadership course especially helpful as a new administrator and she’s used every assignment at least in part in her work. 即使从AP调到区办事处, Corinna still finds that what she is learning in our program is still very relevant.

How have you used your research or experience to develop strategies to meet these needs?

When Corinna started to work on her dissertation she was an AP at a Jr High dealing with lots of discipline issues.She was looking at other means of correction seized the opportunity to focus on Restorative Justice, 在她的工作和研究中. When she was promoted to the District office Corinna had a heart to heart with her committee chair. Does she keep RJ or switch to something that would have more relevance in her new position? After some consideration they made the decision for Corinna to change topics. Now she is researching Tier 1 Mathematics Practices and asking the questions, “学生们纠结于什么概念? 有什么基于证据的实践可以帮助解决这个问题?”

Having a strong dissertation committee chair who was flexible and willing to work with her was very important. Corinna’s new dissertation topic ties in beautifully with her work providing professional development to help teachers in Common Core Math. 现在她正在同时进行论文和工作的研究.

How has your involvement with this community impacted other areas of your life?

“Doing this work (with this community) has solidified why I chose to be an educator. 回报很好. 我在正确的领域. As a first generation Chinese-American my culture taught me to take care of future generations and leave them a better world. 这是心灵的好食物. 我想培养更有生产力的社会成员. 让世界变得更美好.”

Corinna,你的CUI家族为你所做的工作感到骄傲. 谢谢你对我们未来的影响!


在哪些方面,如果有的话,Ed.D. program enhanced your ability to assess and develop positions/programs/interventions to respond to the needs of this community?

The classes have broadened my perspective on the responsibilities that fall at the district level. I feel I have a better understanding of how systems work at a larger scale beyond a school site.


"Next Generation Science Standards Training and Sample Lesson Design" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to all elementary teachers in 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 1月, 2019.

《数字谈话与数学实践标准, 3, and 8" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to new teachers in 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 2018年12月.

"Classroom Management" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to new teachers in 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 12月, 2018.

"Differentiated Small Group Instruction" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to new teachers and instructional coaches in 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 2018年10月.

"Using Data from Running Records for Differentiated Instruction" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to Kindergarten through Second Grade Teachers in 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 2018年9月.

"Differentiated Instruction with Wonders" Presented by Corinna Hathuc to administration at 斜纹棉布裤 Valley Unified School District Leadership Charge, 斜纹棉布裤, CA, 2018年7月.

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